Praxis: A Writing Center Journal • Vol. 9, No. 2 (2012)


Andrea Saathoff
Managing Editor, Praxis 

Praxis is proud to announce the second edition as a peer-reviewed journal.  The theme for the Spring 2012 edition is multiliteracy and the writing center.  

The New London Group (1996) uses the term multiliteracies to describe "two important arguments we might have with the emerging cultural, institutional, and global order: the multiplicity of communication channels and media, and the increasing saliency of cultural and linguistic diversity.” Additionally, the authors suggest that the multiplicity of communications channels and increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the world today call for a broader view of literacy than portrayed by traditional language-based approaches. Given the continued importance of multiliteracy in our education system, writing centers may need to reassess how multiliteracy impacts our field. With dwindling budgets and students’ increasing need for help, the featured articles and columns address how writing centers address the multiliteracy needs and how this may impact the future of writing center work. Praxis is enthusiastic about the contributing authors who share their own experience with the intersection of multiliteracy and writing center administration, tutoring, training, theory, and initiatives.

On a personal note, as my position as managing editor for the 2011-2012 year comes to an end, I would like to extend my gratitude towards all those involved with assembling this spring edition. The featured authors worked tirelessly and efficiently to incorporate suggested edits and to make revisions. The individuals on the Praxis review board took time out of their busy schedules to offer the authors and editors valuable, supportive, and constructive feedback. The Undergraduate Writing Center (UWC) Praxis Editing Team also worked diligently between consultations and in the midst of their own teaching and work schedules to help create an outstanding issue. This edition is the product of a team effort, and one that cannot be done alone. I would also like to thank the UWC administrative staff. Peg Syverson, Alice Batt, Vince Lozano, and Michele Solberg are the most supportive and enthusiastic group of people with whom I have ever had the pleasure to work. We hope you enjoy the Spring 2012 issue!