Writing Centers and the Rhetoric of Toleration

Writing Centers and the Rhetoric of Toleration

The work of tolerance and acceptance, and the work of teaching writing, is getting people to think about their preconceived notions. This is why we should help those students we disagree with. We can’t change their worldview, but the writing center consultation has the potential to encourage students to start asking more and better questions about what they think and why they think it, and we can, if this isn’t too arrogant, serve as a space where students can enlarge their understanding.

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Praxis Special Issue on Race & The Writing Center, Call for Papers

Axis will return soon with our regular posting, but we're excited, and we want to take every opportunity to promote the CFP for our upcoming special issue, in collaboration with our co-editors! See the full CFP below: 

Praxis: A Writing Center Journal

Call For Papers: Race & The Writing Center

For a special Spring 2019 issue, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal welcomes submissions related to the theme of “Race & the Writing Center.”

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Emotional and Creative Intelligence: Tutoring Through “Rests, Riffs, and Raptures”

Emotional and Creative Intelligence: Tutoring Through “Rests, Riffs, and Raptures”

"As an artist and what Steve Sherwood calls an 'artist-as-tutor,' I am both 'hunter' and 'maker' of kairotic situations. By following  creative impulses, I encounter singular opportunities to nudge writers down paths of creative inquiry and emboldened writing, which I define as writing instilled with boldness, authentic heart and purpose."

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Writing Centers as Spaces for Dialogue about Social Justice

Writing Centers as Spaces for Dialogue about Social Justice

"We work with writers to establish their ideas, restructure their argument, and clarify their writing. But as we unpack their ideas in these ways, we also unpack our own assumptions, as well as the assumptions and stereotypes that are prevalent in our society.

The writing centre allows us the time and the space to connect and to talk through matters of social justice, to have these conversations that we wouldn’t be having otherwise."

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