Update on Special Issue

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Last fall, we called for submissions to a Summer 2021 Praxis special issue, Have We Arrived? Revisiting and Rethinking Responsibility in Writing Center Work: The Need for Transformative Listening and Mindfulness of Difference. Following from the 2020 SCWCA conference theme, this issue is set to explore two questions posed by Drs. Romeo García and Anna Sicari: How might we re-envision the writing center as a haunt(ed/ing) and wound(ed/ing) place, and re-envision writing center narratives under a lens of responsibility and a ‘reckoning with inheritance, dwellings, and haunting’? What new stories might we gain through transformative listening and a more thorough understanding of what the work might entail for those invested in social justice and anti-racist work? 

While this special issue was originally scheduled for summer publication, this issue will, instead, come out mid-December. We here at Praxis want to thank those who submitted, the reviewers, and of course, Drs. García and Sicari for their work on this important and timely special issue.